RIBA 1+2
This initial stage is where meet and establish the brief. We ask many questions…What made you buy your house? What do you find frustrating about it? If money was no object, what would be in your dream house? …
Following the briefing stage we work through a series of sketch options to test what is possible. This process is informed by analysis of the building and site restraints.
We work with 2D layouts and most importantly quickly move to 3D to more effectively test and explore the sketch designs together.
- Visit the site and carry out initial appraisal
- Establish the Project Brief
- Outline budget discussions
- Advise on consultants and permissions required for the project.
- Coordinate measured survey of the building (for existing drawings)
- Undertake existing house analysis / restraints
- Proposed design options
- Explore design options in digital 3D model
- One round of design development of preferred option
- Sketch visualisations
- Initial material studies
- Option for pre-application meeting with council
- Option for detailed cost estimation by quantity surveyor
Having agreed a preferred option, and (if opted for) following feedback from the pre application meeting with the Local Authority, the scheme is developed in more detail and certainty. The form, footprint and external materials are established and ‘fixed’ as these elements are key to the planning application.
We may seek initial input at this stage from a structural engineer if it is necessary (otherwise they are appointed at RIBA 4 stage).
A detailed set of plans, elevations and sections and supporting 3D views are produced and the relevent application is submitted.
- Prepare the architectural development design
- Materials explored further / fixed as required
- Supporting 3D Visualisations
- Production of Drawings for Application to Local Authority:
- Production of a Site Location plan
- Production of a Site plan
- Production of Existing Plans and Elevations
- Production of Proposed Plans and Elevations
- Production of Proposed and Existing Sections
- Production of Design and Access statement (if required)
- Application to local authority made
- 1 round of amendments to documentation during decision period (if required)
During the first of the technical workstages we produce a detailed coordinated package of construction drawings - coordinated with the structural engineer’s design.
These drawings include specifiations for building regulatons compliance.
During this stage party wall matters are dealt with and Thames water build over agreements (if required).
- Appoint and brief Structural Engineer
- Commision CCTV drainage survey (if requried)
- Coordinate design with Structural Engineer
- Produce existing (demolition) drawings
- Produce proposed Contruction Plans/Sections/Elevations
- Produce proposed Services Plans
- Drawings to include all Building Regulation Information / Specification.
- Submit all relevant design information to the Party Wall surveyors
- Submit buildover application to local water authority (if required)
To information produced at this stage combined with the information in RIBA 4a provides a contractor with a comprehensive package of information to produce an accurate cost.
At this stage the remaining project elements are reviewed, designed and detailed.
This information forms the Scope of Works and Specification, Electrical and Lighting Layouts along with detailed bathroom and kitchen drawings.
- Produce a written Schedule of Works
- Produce a written Specification
- Research cost/ design/specification of key building elements
- Produce a list of Preliminaries
- Produce Proposed Electrical layouts
- Produce Internal Room Elevation Drawings
- Detailed Bathroom Plans and Elevations
- Detailed Kitchen Plans and Elevations
- Produce Key Contruction Details
- Optional: Joinery design and fabrication drawings
- Provide client with details of suitable contractors
- Issue tender pack to selected contractors
- Offer advice on value engineering measures
- Arrange and coordinate Tender Visit Day with all tendering contractors
- Respond to contractor queries during price calculation period
- Overview analysis of all tender returns
The amount of our involment during construction can vary depending on the project complexity, the stage of project and whether the client(s) wish to oversee the construction. The below list outlines our recommened level of service.
- Weekly or fornightly (as required) visit sto site
- Set of meeting minutes following the site visit, distributed to client and
contractor with actions.
- Fortnightly review of contractors programme and construction timeline
when necessary
- Respond to Requests For Information* (RFI’s) by builder, including
reviewing/ commenting on shop drawings for design intent/specification
- Issue Variation instructions to builder
- Visit to site and make 1no. defect list prior to construction completion